How to Reduce Your Air Compressor Costs: 7 Simple Tips

Many industrial processes require air compressors, but they typically  consume about 10% of the energy used in developed countries, such as the UK,  the United States, European Union, China, and other countries. Despite its many benefits, the associated costs can add up quickly. Therefore, it is essential to consider how businesses can preserve energy and efficiently use resources.

In this article, we’ll teach you 7 ways businesses can reduce air compressor costs without sacrificing quality or performance.

1. Reduce Pressure Whenever Possible

One of the most important things you can do to lower compressed air costs is to frequently evaluate your system requirements to ensure you only use the required air pressure. 

For example, if your equipment requires just 7 bar of pressure to operate, but your compressed air system generates 10 bar, you are wasting 3 bar. That might not seem like a lot, but the result adds up quickly. 

For every bar that you lower the pressure of your compressed air system, your energy consumption will go down by about 7%.

2. Eliminate Air Leakages

A leaking air compressor does no good for business. Up to 30% of energy can be lost due to air leaks in a compressed air system. Quite literally, this is money vanishing into thin air.

A top priority should be to regularly check your system for air leaks, and fix them as soon as possible. There are different ways to detect and mitigate air leakage problems. One way is to use high-tech scanners, and another is to use methods that don’t require much technology. 

A simple trick is to apply soapy water to areas where you suspect leaks. If there is a leak, you will see the formation of bubbles. This is obviously a simple but old test, and instead we’d suggest you get in contact with us at Anglian Compressors, so we can use ultrasonic detectors.

3. Optimize Ambient Temperature

To get the most out of your equipment and reduce compressed air system costs, you need a compressor room with the right conditions. Every reduction of 5°C can result in a 1.5% reduction in energy bills.

Keeping the air in the room free from dust and moisture will ensure that the compressed air is not contaminated, which can help you save energy by reducing the need for aftercoolers, dryers, and filters.

With some investment, you can turn all the heat air compression generates into something useful (see point 6). You can also reduce your energy bill further by getting your intake air from outside when possible – especially in cooler environments.

4. Perform Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance of compressed air systems isn’t just about making sure they work reliably; it can also significantly affect efficiency. A regular check-up, or energy audit, will help extend its lifespan, optimise its performance, and reduce energy consumption

Businesses should take advantage of predictive and preventive maintenance tools and technology. These tools help to constantly keep air compressors working at their best, and reduce air compressor maintenance costs.

By keeping up with maintenance for your compressed air system, you can achieve maximum efficiency of the compressed air system. Changing filter elements at the correct time within the maintenance schedule, for example, reduces pressure drops, and alleviates additional strain on the compressor

5. Respect the Service Life of Your Machine

Have you noticed that your compressed air equipment isn’t performing as well as it used to? That’s to be expected, but it’s also a great reminder that you shouldn’t hang on to machines longer than necessary. After all, they can become quite expensive to operate over time – both in terms of energy consumption and operating costs.

Significant advances have been made in compressor technology – like the GA VSDᣵ series, an evolution of variable speed drive (VSD) technology that can reduce energy consumption by up to 60%. And when the time comes for you to upgrade, investing in these more efficient machines typically pays for itself quickly, as operating expenses decrease.

6. Recover Heat

Compressing air generates a lot of heat. Businesses can either allow this heat to go to waste, or harness it for other purposes.

New technologies make it possible to recover and reuse most of the heat lost during compression. This heat can then be used to heat water, replace furnaces, or even dry things. 

In many cases, major investments are not needed to make this happen. Simply connecting the compressor hot outlet to existing HVAC ducting during winter is enough to help heat up a facility.

Another technique is to use an energy recovery kit, which can heat up water for use in another location in the building.

7. Use Green Energy

As we know, compressed air systems consume a lot of energy, so business owners should consider going green. Installing clean and renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines to power production processes will reduce energy costs in the long run.

It’s widely known that investing in these technologies pays off both financially and environmentally. The long-term savings on energy costs are significant, and the reduction in CO2 output will help reduce your carbon footprint.

Advanced Modern Cost-Reduction Techniques

Anglian Compressors offers cutting-edge solutions that go beyond the basics. Our advanced control systems automatically adjust your compressor’s operation, ensuring it’s running only when needed and at peak efficiency.

How it works:

  • Smart Sensors: These monitor your air demand in real-time, detecting even subtle changes.
  • Intelligent Control: The system analyses the data and automatically adjusts the compressor’s output, avoiding wasteful energy consumption during low-demand periods.

The result? You’ll see significant reductions in your energy bills – often without sacrificing any productivity.

But that’s not all! We also offer remote monitoring and predictive maintenance tools. These technologies give you real-time insights into your compressor’s health, allowing us to:

  • Spot Potential Issues: We can catch small problems before they become major breakdowns.
  • Schedule Maintenance: We can proactively schedule maintenance during off-peak hours, minimising disruptions to your operations.
  • Optimize Performance: We can fine-tune your system for maximum efficiency, ensuring you’re getting the most out of your investment.

Contact us today to learn more about how our advanced technologies can transform your air compression system.

How to Reduce Your Air Compressor Costs 7 Simple Tips
Air Compressor

Final Thoughts

These suggestions can help you meet strict regulations, reduce your carbon footprint, and decrease energy costs. Some of these tips, like rudimentary leak protection, involve very little investment and minimal effort to implement.

If you have questions on how to lower your energy bill and contribute to a cleaner environment, contact Anglian Compressors today.

Our experts can offer you general tips on making your operation more efficient and explain how our products and services can help you run a greener business, while also reducing your operating expenses.

Contact us below.